The MED2IaH #project successfully held its first IaH Capacity Building #webinar
Following welcome words from Nadia Lagarde, the International Relations Vice-Chancellor of the University of Montpellier in France, Project Coordinator Nada Trunk Širca from EMUNI University presented the main aims of the project.
There were 515 registered participants for the first webinar, mostly from the South Mediterranean countries.
The target group was reached, and academic and administrative staff actively took part in the following presentations:
Global Learning in the post-COVID world – The role of internationalised online collaboration in promoting decolonised, accessible education
Dr. Alun DeWinter / Dr. Arinola Adefila / Dr. Katherine Wimpenny, Coventry
University, UK
How open science can facilitate data sharing and strengthen the research
Prof. Luigia Melillo, Università Telematica Pegaso, Italy
IAE Montpellier University School of Management : an experience of carrying out an internationalisation strategy and launching an international curriculum
Jessie Chiavassa / Stéphanie Bouchet, University of Montpellier, France
Upgrading the Teaching Material to Meet the Requirements of Internationalisation
Dorsaf Ben Malek, Virtual University of Tunis, Tunisia
Westernization of Curricula vs. Internationalization of Curricula
Omar H. Eldahan, Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, Egypt
The next webinar will be held on 23 February 2021