Erasmus+, Capacity building in Higher Education (CBHE)
No of the project: 610107-EPP-1-2019-1-SI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Duration of the project: 15 January 2020 – 14 January 2023 (36 months)
The purpose of the project: The MEDiterranean countries: Towards Internationalisation at Home (MED2IaH) project is primarily designed to have an impact at system level and trigger reform processes at national level in Mediterranean Partner Countries (PC). Policy-makers will receive support for evidence-based policy development and better regulation to move towards the modernisation of framework conditions for Higher Education (HE) in PCs. HEI managers and other stakeholders in the sector will be able to feed their expertise into the reform process and articulate their needs already at the stage of policy development. By developing policies that adequately address real problems at institutional level in each PC, MED2IaH will ultimately benefit the whole HE sector. The inclusion of all stakeholders (management, academic and administrative staff at universities, students) in project activities and consortia ensures that the whole HE sector in PCs and will take a step forward towards national reforms, which is a success factor.
The overarching objectives of this project are threefold:
To outline the internationalisation landscapes of PC HEIs and to identify levels of integration of international and intercultural dimensions into the formal and informal curricula of PC HEIs
To improve the capabilities of PC HEIs for internationalisation through staff training and by translating general awareness of the IaH concept into streamlined institutional strategies and Action Plans.
To build students’ intercultural knowledge and sensitivity to cultural diversity by transforming the International Relations Offices (IROs) of PC HEIs into vibrant multicultural focal points.
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